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Sunday, September 4, 2011

White truffle white bean hummus with mushrooms and thyme | Vegan Good Eats

White truffle white bean hummus with mushrooms and thyme | Vegan Good Eats:

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I discovered Vegan Good Eats when I was googling a good vegan deviled egg recipe, and this AMAZING-sounding hummus recipe just kind of smacked in the face. I have to try it. I HAVE TO.

in related news- tonight's dinner is a baked potato with Tofutti sour cream, Earthy Balance vegan faux-butter, black pepper, green onions, tiny tiny adorable tomatoes from my dad's garden, & steamed broccoli; other dish, a cold mixing of brown rice, kidney beans, corn, red bell pepper, & onions, which tastes very very very good, altogether. I'm really into food for someone who can't cook. It's a problem.

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