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Saturday, October 8, 2011

A goat and a slinky

The Blogger profile asks you a random question. I tried to answer in my profile, the point of the darn thing, but it was too long. It's a blog post instead, now.

"You're trapped in a well with a goat and a slinky. Describe how you will escape."

Goats will eat anything (or so cartoons have told me). I get the goat to bite the slinky in half, put the two halves together to make a whole, put the hole in the wall of the well and tunnel upwards, with the goat eating the dirt as we climb. After our escape, the goat and I become celebrities as well as bosom buddies, until we have an epic falling out over the issue of an interview the goat has done with the New York Post on the subject of our Miracle Tunnel Escape, in which the goat takes full credit for my escape plan. We are eventually reconciled in a surprisingly touching, often-played-in-reruns episode of the Daily Show. Our relationship is stronger than ever, and I will be named godmother to the goat's first and fourth kids.

In unrelated news,
Don't talk to me about a man's being able to talk sense; everyone can talk sense. Can he talk nonsense?
William Pitt 

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